Hamilton Family Vacation Summer, 2010

Hamilton Family Vacation Summer, 2010
While we actually did not take the Griswold Family Truckster, we did take our mini van.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Color of Money

So, we're at the Vegas buffet with the kids....we had to walk through the casino to get there....the kids are in amazement as they have never been in a casino before. Trying to explain to them that the games are for adults and not kids.....anyway...

So, we are at dinner and I am trying to explain gambling to Luke, our 7-year old. After several minutes of discussing how betting works and if you lose they take your money and if you win you get your money + more money back, Luke ponders this for a few moments. He then makes a very profound statement....(now understand, Luke is very money oriented)....."Dad, let's say I go play a game and I am really good at the game but I pretend I am not, do you think I could trick people into getting their money?" He quickly went from novice to hustler in about 3 minutes.

So I taught him how to count cards and we made millions.....


lmsantillan said...

That is why I love that kid!

Anonymous said...

lol! Priceless!

Anonymous said...

A pool table and he is set!