Date: 7/20/10
Starting place: Modesto, CA
Ending Place/Hotel Location: Modesto, CA (drove to San Francisco and back)
Miles Driven: 189
Sites Seen: Alcatraz, Golden Gate Bridge, Pier 39, Lombard Street, Ghirardelli Square
Breakfast: Ate at the Whitefords
Lunch: Hot dogs from street vendor….
Dinner: Grazed all day…Michele had a bowl of clam chowder soup, popcorn, pretzels, crepes (smores and strawberry/chocolate), Ghirardelli ice cream…then made turkey sandwiches when we got back to the Whiteford's; Mr. T doughnuts at 2am…Maple bar…yum.
Favorite part of the day:
- Andy: Eating a smores crepe
- Jared: eating crepe
- Luke: eating ice cream
- Jacob: eating Crepes at the Pier (as he was eating the smores crepe, he proclaimed "Dad, this is the best part of my day!"
- Michele: Watching Jared leap-frog the 4ft sidewalk pylons; seeing Alcatraz
- Les: Eating my way through San Francisco, having to take the car topper off the van in order to fit into ANY parking garage, going into the original Old Navy and the Apple Stores.
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