So, we're at the Vegas buffet with the kids....we had to walk through the casino to get there....the kids are in amazement as they have never been in a casino before. Trying to explain to them that the games are for adults and not kids.....anyway...
So, we are at dinner and I am trying to explain gambling to Luke, our 7-year old. After several minutes of discussing how betting works and if you lose they take your money and if you win you get your money + more money back, Luke ponders this for a few moments. He then makes a very profound statement....(now understand, Luke is very money oriented)....."Dad, let's say I go play a game and I am really good at the game but I pretend I am not, do you think I could trick people into getting their money?" He quickly went from novice to hustler in about 3 minutes.
So I taught him how to count cards and we made millions.....
That is why I love that kid!
lol! Priceless!
A pool table and he is set!
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